About me / Γιά την αφεντιά μου

Hello! My name is Sophie and I live in Patras, Greece. Welcome to my blog.
Between 2008 and 2011 I attended drawing classes with local artists. Their teaching was invaluable. To keep things moving forward, I started drawing on location.
Most of the drawings you'll find here are either A4 or A5 and have been done on location in the comfort of outdoor cafes. For a while this became an online sketching journal. 
Since I started sketching the small roadside sketches, my interest and skills developed. I now do some oil painting but I mostly enjoy doing watercolour, something I never expected to happen. Watercolour is difficult but also versatile. I've gone from adding minimal washes painting outdoors to massive elaborate drawings all with the same paintbox. On the one hand it teaches you discipline since you have to plan everything out including the drawing and the washes, but it also teaches you to go with the flow because it's a medium that refuses to always do what you want. Either way, there's no turning back and you have to wing it. When you're past the frustration, it becomes painter's serendipity when you see a new opportunity before you. 
I now enjoy doing large scale watercolour illustrations of places that I have visited, although I enjoy more finding something new to paint where I live. Familiarity and connection are important to me. 
The watercolour paintings start at 74x54 cm mostly on Fabriano Artistico watercolour paper. The largest I have painted is 108x326.5cm. This was done using Arches watercolour paper roll. I user Winsor and Newton watercolour paints for everything.

Γειά σας! Με λένε Σόφη και ζω στην Πάτρα. Καλώς ήλθατε στο μπλογκ μου. 

 Τα περισσότερα σχέδια που θα βρείτε εδώ είναι Α4 ή Α5 κι έχουν γίνει επι τόπου συνήθως σε καφετέριες. Από τότε που ξεκίνησα να σχεδιάζω τα μικρά του δρόμου, σιγά σιγά εξελίχθηκε το ενδιαφέρον μου και τώρα πια ζωγραφίζω σε μεγαλύτερη κλίμακα μέρη που έχω επισκέφθει.

Για 3 χρόνια από το  2008 εώς το 2011 παρακολούθησα μαθήματα ζωγραφικής στο εικαστικό εργαστήρι της ΔΕΠΑΠ του δήμου Πατρών.